"This group did more for me that 20 years of psychotherapy!" - 2015 Group Therapy Participant
"The grace and focus that Christyn brings to her facilitation is exceptional and inspiring. She is incredibly gifted in her practices and in her spirit!" - Amy, Hardwick
"Christyn leads with compassion and gentleness so that you feel comfortable and are able to fully trust the process." - Robyn, Marshfield
"Christyn helped me dive deeper into my own answers and gave me the confidence to acknowledge them as my truth!" -Livy, Greensboro
SPRING FORWARD Yoga & Mindfulness to Inspire Authentic Movement Forward NOTE DATE CHANGE: May 23rd -June 27th, 2017 5:45pm-7:30pm $150 or save $30 each when you sign up with a friend! The Open Space, Hardwick Greet spring with a enlivening yoga therapy group experience. Click on the photo at right for more information
Next Group Starts May 23rd... Registration is currently open and filling. Email soon to secure your spot!
ENLIVEN therapeutic groups are a unique blend of meditation, movement, self-inquiry, and group process. We meet once a week as a group and then continue the process as individuals during the week with theme-based home practices. During class time, participants are offered an experience of utilizing the practice of yoga as a tool to deepen self-awareness, connect with embodied experience and apply it forward into authentic action. While the classes themselves can offer a rich experience of self-exploration, the addition of the group dynamic offers an element that is deeply supportive in making meaningful and lasting changes in our lives. There is something quite magical that happens when we are willing to be seen and 'held' in a confidential and non-judgmental group container, however it is that we are showing up in the moment. For some the most powerful aspect is mustering up the words to describe the truth of their experience. For others it is exercising the voice the has been yearning to speak for far too long now. And everyone benefits from the silent witnessing of the joy, shame, terror, exuberance, grief, etc. of others and realizing the utter commonality of our collective human experience.
Therapeutic Groups FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS Who is this program for? ENLIVEN group therapy is for anyone who is looking for ways to effectively manage the stress in their lives and is ready to create lasting and meaningful change. It is for all of us that feel burdened at times by life's challenges, feel tired of the self-limiting stories that have been dictating who we are, and feel ready for something different. It is for anyone that has a body and is ready to use it! It is for you, if you are desiring to access your own wisdom and use it to activate the life you really want to be living!
What can I expect from a group session? Each week will be guided by a different theme, but the basic structure will remain constant, always including about an hour of yoga paired with simple meditation practices. The yoga/movement portion concludes with a guided integration of the embodied experience before transitioning to a group circle. The intention of the circle is to support you in validating your experience as well as fostering community. Some people can be intimidated by sharing in front of others. Although this part of the group experience is valuable and encouraged, there is never a requirement to speak aloud. Your presence is always enough!
What style of yoga is it? This style of yoga is in the Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy tradition, which has been called the 'yoga of self-discovery'. It combines many familiar asanas (postures), movement, and meditation with theme-based self-inquiry. It differs from many typical yoga classes in that you are encouraged to bring deeper awareness to the present-moment experience in YOUR body, connect to YOUR own wisdom, and take your practice from your yoga mat out into YOUR life. It is a process of 'embodied mindfulness' in which you practice using the experience in your body to activate authentic transformation in your life. I've never done yoga and am not very flexible. Will that be a problem? Not at all. This program is structured to give an ample range of experience to accommodate beginners as well as long-time practitioners of yoga. All body shapes, sizes, and abilities are welcome… as long as you have a body, you are equipped for the journey!
What will I get out of the program? The spectrum of benefits is vast but will likely include:
Deeper connection to your physical body
Relax mental and emotional tension
Self-acceptance and clarity around where you would like to grow
Strength and resilience (inner and outer)
Connection to your personal truth and inner wisdom
Give the gift of presence to your relationships
Activate authentic change with clarity and confidence
Experience a sense of belonging... sharing our humanness
Six weeks feels like a large time commitment. What happens if I need to miss a class or two? Knowing that we are all busy and have plenty that needs attending to, it is understandable that sometimes classes will be missed for one reason or another. This is no problem. Each week, the yoga portion of the class will be recorded and posted for participants along with ideas for incorporating the week's theme into whatever is happening in your life. This is intended to be supportive for those that need to miss classes and/or wish to practice at home during the week.
What do I wear? Wear anything that you are comfortable in. Ideally, your movement will not be restricted by your clothing choices. Layers are recommended so that you can adapt to the temperature of the space.
Do I need to bring anything? Once you register, you will be sent paperwork to be filled out and brought to the initial session. Yoga mats, blankets, and props will be provided but you are welcome to bring your own if you desire. A journal, pen, and a water bottle will also be helpful.
Will it be a large group of people? Size is limited to 8 people for this group experience but may be smaller depending on enrollment.
When and where will the program take place? Next group starts March 11th at the Wellspring Center in Hardwick, VT... email me for more information or to be added to the participant list. Okay, sounds awesome! How do I sign up? Call (802) 562-2411 or to send an email with your name and phone number to be added to the email list for our next group that is forming in Central Vermont and/or to start the registration process, click here.