Christyn King
In the summer 2011 my family and I returned home to the Green Mountains of Vermont. Here, nestled within this magical landscape, began another chapter of life's mysterious and beautiful unfolding...
Prior to landing back in Vermont, several years of my life were devoted to serving women and babies and supporting the emergence of new families. Working as a midwife in a busy out-of-hospital birth center, I witnessed, again and again the wild and transformational nature of birth . This work imparted a lasting awe of the strength inherent in people, to open and surrender to the experience, where ever the journey may take us. Many of the the experiences were bliss-filled and ecstatic while others were traumatic, painful, and intensely challenging. The difficult experiences sparked a yearning to understand the ways that our bodies hold, hide, process, and eventually resolve trauma.
In 2010, I began studying the gentle healing art of craniosacral therapy as a way of further supporting the families that I served while working as midwife. The offering of this subtle bodywork to countless babies and many adults taught me so much about the basic nature of fluidity in our bodies and the ways that unimpeded movement supports healthy function of the whole system.
My own lifelong relationship with scoliosis has inspired a continual self-study of body/breath awareness and energy movement. The experience of various healing arts in my own body (yoga, massage, Reiki, QiGong, craniosacral therapy... to name a few) has offered me many doorways into myself, resulting in a multitude of gifts for which I am eternally grateful. In particular, my practice of yoga for the last 17 years continues to offer me a foundation from which to explore my relationship to body, mind, and spirit in ways that nurture a continual drive to "be the change that I want to see in the world." In November, 2013 I began a journey with Phoenix Rising Yoga Therapy that has inspired me to go deeper within and get closer to my truth. A reflection of this truth is my offering of private therapeutic yoga sessions (click here for more on this unique experience) for individuals and couples, facilitating self-inquiry based yoga classes and therapeutic groups. I am passionate about sharing my gifts with the Central Vermont community, helping us to reconnect with the wisdom within and reclaim our own powerful healing capabilities. I am so inspired by witnessing of the profound effects of embodied mindfulness in others to resolve trauma, rekindle creativity, restore physical functionality, and live more passionately. My work has evolved to become a beautiful mirror in which I am invited, again and again, to explore the depths of my own self through the reflection of others. This continues to fuel my courage to keep moving inside myself, further developing tools of somatic awareness to bring the light of awareness to the depths. It has become clear to me that the more I am devoted to my own practice of present-moment embodied truth, the more I have to offer to my family, my clients, and my community.
For the last few years, I have been growing roots in a budding permaculture community in Cabot, called Headwaters. We built a home, nurtured another little person into existence, and continue grow seasonally in relationship with the landscape. Homesteading, homeschooling, and growing a family keep life interesting and full of movement. All of this is enough and yet, my heart yearns share what I feel is so deeply necessary in these modern times... connection back to ourselves. This inspires me to keep making space to offer my gifts outward. I currently see clients for private sessions in my studio, a cozy and private yurt, nestled in the forest near my home. Under certain circumstances I also offer yoga therapy sessions in the comfort of your home (in person if local or on Skype if long distance). I teach therapeutic groups and workshops around central Vermont. For further inquiries or to schedule an appointment, click here.
These are times of great transition, I believe that we are experiencing the reawakening back to our true nature. Inherent in this evolution is each of us reconnecting to the bodies that we inhabit. In bringing a sense of awareness and balance to the dynamic wilderness within us, we move towards a more holistic expression of ourselves and birth in being the world that we wish to cultivate for the future.
Through the work of ENLIVEN I offer my heart, hands, and embodied presence to the reawakening of our collective wisdom. Together, may we envision, create, heal, nurture, and grow the change that we wish to see in the world. Namaste.